About M.Ed. Programme
The Master of Education is a master's degree awarded by universities in many countries. This degree in education often includes the following majors: curriculum and instruction, counselling, school psychology, and administration. It is often conferred for educators advancing in their field.
1. Eligibility for Admission to M.Ed. Programme
2. Duration of the Programme
The Master’s Degree in Education (M.Ed.) under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) shall be of two academic years comprising four semesters with 90 credits. Students shall be permitted to complete the programme requirements of the two-year programme within a maximum period of three years from the date of admission to the programme. The term ‘complete the programme’ means passing all the prescribed theory and practical examinations of the programme to become eligible for the degree. The number of working days for each semester shall be of 100 inclusive of classroom transaction, practicum, field study, and conduct of examination
3.Programme Content
The two-year M.Ed. Programme is comprised of five inter-related curricular areas – (i) Perspective Courses (ii) Tool Courses (iii) Teacher Education Course (iv) Specialization of Core Course, and (v) Specialization of Thematic Courses. All the courses include in-built field based units of study, dissertation and practicum work tailored to suit the requirements of prospective teacher educators. Transaction of the courses shall be done using a variety of approaches, including academic writing, self-development activities, and field visits.
4. Medium of Instruction
The medium of the programme for both instruction and examination shall be of in Tamil or English depending on the availability of medium of instruction in the Colleges of Education / University Departments.
5. Attendance
6. Examinations
a. Theory Course: The term-end external examination for all semesters shall be conducted by the University at the end of each semester. The theory examination for each course shall be conducted for 70 marks.
b. Internal Assessment for Theory Courses: The award of continuous evaluation (i.e. internal assessment) marks in each semester for theory courses shall be distributed 30 Marksas follows:
1. Class Tests (minimum of two) 10 Marks
2. Assignment (minimum of two) 05 Marks
3. Seminar 10 Marks
4. Attendance 05 Marks
Appearance for the Examinations
Each candidate whose admission is approved by the Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University shall apply for the written and practical examinations in the first attempt itself. Candidates who have failed to satisfy the minimum attendance norms of Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University will not be permitted to appear for the written and practical examinations. However, the basis of permitting a student to appear for the examination shall be in accordance with the regulations of Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, in force from time to time.
Passing Minimum for Written Examination
A candidate who secures not less than 50% of total marks prescribed for the course with a minimum of 50% of the marks prescribed for the internal as well as external examination shall be declared to have passed in (theory/practicum/dissertation) examination for that course. In case a candidate secures less than 50% of marks prescribed for the internal, then one more opportunity shall be given to him/her to improve the internal marks in the specific course (theory/practicum/dissertation) within the next semester.
Reappearance for Theory Courses
Students who have secured ‘F’ (Fail) / ‘Ab’ (Absent in the examination) grade in a particular course (other than the practicum components) can reappear during the subsequent endsemester examinations. All applicable fees shall be charged for the purpose of re-appearance in (theory/dissertation) examinations.
7. Eligibility for the Award of Degree
A student shall be declared to be eligible for the award of Master Degree in Education (M.Ed.) provided that the student has successfully completed the course requirements and has passed all the prescribed examinations in all the four semesters within a maximum period of THREE YEARS reckoned from the commencement of first semester to which the candidate was admitted.
The M.Ed. students are expected to complete the dissertation work in four phases in four semesters.
Two topics of the dissertation should be submitted to the University for Approval at the end of the first semester. The dissertation shall be of an educational topic approved by the Scrutiny Committee of the University. If a topic submitted by any student is not approved, he/she shall be permitted to resubmit another set of proposals for scrutiny and approval of the University. Each student shall carry out the dissertation related work under the guidance of the approved faculty member and the Research Advisory Committee of the concerned College / Department.
In the second semester, each M.Ed. student has to give a colloquium related to his/her research proposal in the presence of his/her classmates and the teaching staff of the College / Department. The presentation shall be evaluated by the Research Advisory Committee and submit the details of evaluation of the concerned College / Department.
In the third semester, each perspective teacher educator has to select/develop the research tools/instruments and collect the data pertaining to his/her research problem. The Principal / Head shall arrange a Research Colloquium to enable each student give a presentation on adoption/development of research tools/instruments related his/her research and to evaluate the process involved in the adoption/development of tools/instruments by the candidates and award the internal marks to him/her.
In the fourth semester, The Principal / Head shall arrange a Research Colloquium to enable each student give a presentation before submission of the dissertation to the university for external evaluation subject to the approval of the Research Advisory Committee. The peospective teacher educators have to complete the data analysis, interpretations and submit two hard copies and one soft copy (CD) of the dissertation along with an abstract before the commencement of the fourth semester theory examinations to the concerned Principal of the College / Head of the Department.
The Principal / Head of the Department shall send one hard copy and one soft copy (CD) of the dissertation to the University for external evaluation and the other copy to be kept in the College / Department for the purpose of viva-voce examination. The candidate shall be required to secure at least 50% marks in the external evaluation of dissertation and viva-voce examination separately to pass the examination.
While evaluating the dissertation, the examiner shall either